I’ve written quite a bit about electrification of aviation and in general, but this was in early 2020. Since then, the landscape has continued to change at an staggering pace.

However, the arguments I made in both of these articles—that internal combustion engines will be better suited for the aviation use case and that ground-based electric vehicles will drive electric innovation—stand true.

It would be amazing to see electric passenger aircraft, and given the business case that Wendover Productions describes in his video, it might be a more realistic goal than I ever thought possible. Even a few years ago, electric aviation was vastly different from its state now. Each year, new innovations bring us much closer to an electric future.


“The Dilemma of Electric Aviation,” by Sahil Nawab, January 10, 2020. http://www.sahilnawab.com/blog/the-dilemma-of-electric-aviation/

“Electrification of Last Mile Delivery,” by Sahil Nawab, April 24, 2020. http://www.sahilnawab.com/blog/electrification-of-last-mile-delivery/